The Hare Who Was Afraid of His Own Ears

The Lion being once badly hurt by the horns of a Goat, went into a great rage, and swore that every animal with horns should be banished from his kingdom. Goats, Bulls, Rams, Deer, and every living thing with horns had quickly to be off on pain of death.
A Hare, seeing from his shadow how long his ears were, was in great fear lest they should be taken for horns. "Good-bye, my friend," said he to a Cricket who, for many a long summer evening, had chirped to him where he lay dozing. "I must be off from here. My ears are too much like horns to allow me to be comfortable."
"Horns!" exclaimed the Cricket, "do you take me for a fool? You no more have horns than I have."
"Say what you please," replied the Hare, "were my ears only half as long as they are, they would be quite long enough for any one to lay hold of who wished to make them out to be horns."
Old Meaning: "Never give your enemies the slightest reason to attack your reputation."
New Meaning: "Sometimes it really is in (or on) your head."