Finely crafted precious jewels inspired by history, folklore, nature, and our devoted animal familiars.

Aesop Fables
The Lion & The Goat
On a summer’s day, when everyone was suffering from extreme heat, a lion and a goat came at the same time to quench their thirst at a small fountain. They at once fell to quarreling which should drink first of the water, till at length it seemed that each was determined to resist the other even to death. But ceasing from strife for a moment, to recover breath, they saw a flock of vultures hovering over them, waiting to pounce upon whichever of them should fall. Whereupon the lion and the goat decided to make up their quarrel, agreeing that it was far better for them both become friends and share the water, rather than to furnish food for the vultures.

She-Bears "Arktoi"
In Ancient Greece, at a temple dedicated to the worship of Artemis, goddess of the wilderness...

The Cat and The Monkey
Once upon a time a Cat and a Monkey lived as pets in the same house. They were great friends and ...

The Fox and the Crow
One bright morning as Mr. Fox was following his sharp nose through the forest in search of a bite...